Order of the Pheonix and Griffon Altar Table with Drawer! Order of the Phoenix Drawer Altar Golden oak stained, solid wood, complete with drawer.
Shaman's Path Altar - single drawer
Order of the Phoenix and Griffon Altar Table The rise of the order of the pheonix wood burned on right side of the table top.
Drawer Altar honoring the order of the pheonix and griffon Stance of the Griffin is wood burned on the left side of the order of the pheonix altar.
Order of the Phoenix Drawer Table Altar Full sized drawer with easy access for simple storage on this order of the pheonix altar.
Griffon and Order of the Phoenix Table Top with Drawer9
Solid wood construction, no fabricated or replicated woods are used.
Order of the Pheonix and Griffin Altars are created as magickal tools, respecting tradition and histories of the ancients.
This order of the pheonix and griffon altar is made without any metal fasteners, nails, or brads of any kind. When working with ritual and spell casting, one works with energy, it metals attract that energy it can deflect or misdirect the spells you are working with.
Looking for something custom designed? Feel free to email me and lets see what we can do for you! Looking for wholesale pricing, contact: GYPSY BETH
This is an order of the pheonix and order of the griffon wood altar by DragonOak. Not to be confused by the Harry Potter movie Order of the Pheonix. The order of the pheonix altar depicts the mythical creatures of the pheonix and the griffon, sometimes spelled griffin. This order of the pheonix table altar is based upon the legend, lore, mythology, and history of the mythical creatures of the griffon and pheonix. The altar of the order of the pheonix is to honor the lore of the aztec and the rise of the pheonix legend. Verbal histories of greece and the legend of the griffon are the theme of the order of the phoenix altar which is made to honor this mythical beast of the ages. The griffon was a legendary creature with a lion body and a lion tale. The griffin had the wings of an eagle and also the beak of an eagle as shown on this order of the pheonix altar.