Nordic Asatru Viking Altar

Wood Altar Made to Last Generations to Come

Crafted With The Wisdom of Odin, The Might of Thor, and The Passion of Freya
Nordic Asatru Altar Hand Crafted

Nordic Asatru Viking Altar

Stout and Hardy altar that signifies the Asatru Nordic Viking Faith.

Symbol for Odin

Heathen Symbol for Odin.

Symbol for Freya

Symbol for Freya (flower).

Symbol for Thor

Symbol for Thor (Thor's Hammer).

A single brass candle holder.

On back board is wood-burned "May the Gods of Asgard guide my steps, May Thor's hammer protect me" in Runic script. Made from a single board of White Wood, (except for brass candle holder). This is done for conformity with the tree spirit of the original tree. Beautifully stained in a golden oak color with danish oil finish for durability and a natural finish.

Free Name Engraved in Runic or Old English

This Altar is completely hand crafted by DragonOak, "one who walks the pagan path". DragonOak has studied methods of divination for over 20 years and now brings forward handcrafted items in the old traditions for Nords and Pagans everywhere.

Symbols for Odin, Freya, and Thor are wood burned by hand for everlasting beauty.

Beautiful handmade altar that embraces the symbolism of the Asatru faith. Free name wood burned on the front facing plate in Elder Futhark Runes or English your choice.

Looking for something custom designed? Feel free to email me and lets see what we can do for you! Looking for wholesale pricing, contact: GYPSY BETH
 Questions, Requests, or Comments.
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What is a Shaman?

The word shaman comes from the Turkic – Mongolian language and is a term for a religious figure who performs several functions similar to the healer in other cultures. The shaman’s function as the healer is to provide medical care and various other functions in times of crisis, via supernatural means. The concept of the supernatural is generally identified with religion, however people of a European culture might have regarded it as magic, a concept which has it’s roots in the magi of Persia.

The role of a shaman is to communicate with entities (something which has a distinct, separate, existence, that need not be material) on the spiritual plane and to secure their aid for the needs of the community. Shaman were never gender-specific, a male or female could fill the role, depending on the cultural tradition.

Shamans are analogous to other cultures healers, such as those who have come to be known by the English as the Native American “medicine man”. The primary function of the medicine men, is to secure the help of the spirit world, for the benefit of the community. Shamans have existed in most of the world. The ancient shamans of Europe are more likely known as druids, who were magic-users most comfortable in natural settings. The Baal Shem is a Jewish rabbi miracle worker. It was the name given in the middle ages of a person who could bring about cures and healing, as well as having mystical powers with which they could interpret events and personalities.

Among the Norse, and Germanic people, the practice of seid (shamanism) was regarded as unmanly and were relegated to females, who depending on the community were called volva, vala, or seidhkon. In Anglo Saxon England they were called wicce. The word witch is a modern form of wicce. Even wizards have (which by most are considered fantasy) have vague historical roots in Shamanism. Witch doctors were an sordid European attempt to explain what was not lost in other cultures of shamanism.

In the western world many of the roles of shamans have been replaced by (or rather evolved into those of) priests, scholars, and doctors. Some shamans encourage the belief that they possess supernatural qualities that transcend human nature. Shamans are usually credited with the ability to speak to spirits and perform feats of magic such as astral projection, and healing. Shamans are usually found in tribal cultures with nature religions and beliefs in ancestor spirits. The shaman's position is frequently hereditary and his ancestral spirits may act as his chief guides for spiritual aid. However, the most powerful shamans are those who have a natural aptitude for the calling. These individuals easily enter into the separate reality of the spirits, and do so without the need of drugs or other artificial support. Tradition also holds that the spirits choose the shaman, not people, as in those initiated via a serious illness or a near-death experience.

Shamans are also noted masters of the elements, working with nature with a keen aptitude for working with the aspect that is needed or most useful at the moment. The elements include fire, air, water, and earth but even beyond the into the complete nature realm of weather, growth, cycles, birth, death, and so on. Shamanism is probably the oldest existing form of a specific spiritual path. Much of the tradition is passed down from elder shamans, innately understand because of natural aptitude for the art, and to some extent communally shared knowledge with other area shamans as with the Aborigines of Australia.

The Greek legend of Prometheus a Titan that stole fire from the Gods and gave it to man is deep in the elements of shamanism. And likewise many of the rituals of Greek mysticism and some of its religion are based in shaman root. Later elements of the Roman religions that had a tendency to lack ingenuity by absorbing philosophy, religion, and science also absorbed the Greek elements of shaman mysticism into is belief system.

Tibetan Buddhism is strongly associated to the shaman aptitude. Incorporating the teaching of Buddha while retain their age-old base in the principles of the shaman. Many of the rituals and methods of working with the spirit world are evidence of the shaman roots in this culture.

Sadly with the spread of Christianity, shamanism is lost in most of the mainstream cultures. Christian fervent need to eradicate all belief systems and the whole destruction of any culture or belief system outside the BOX, has left mankind with a sense of loss of its foundations and beginnings. Sadly we have lost our connection with nature, the elements, and other planes of existence due to this.

Small side note, the nasty habit of Christianity genocidal destruction of all cultures that do not follows its maniacal method of thinking predates the era of Christianity and was actually a habit of Rome. Rome learned long ago the key to world domination was a method of absorbing the culture it conquered, while Greek method was to respect the conquered culture, Rome was to take it and call it their own. And we should understand why the center of Christianity for 1600 years has been Rome herself, just another method of absorbing another belief system, and then calling it their own.

Methods of a shaman coming into the age of their duties can be varied. The shaman may rise to his/her calling via a traumatic event, illness, or observed miracle. The process of a vision quest may fulfill the rise to the duty of shaman. Or a complicated ritual designed to weed out the weak or non-dedicated persons from the process. Shamans in most situations are risen to the duty by an event or process.

Shamans are well renowned for the naturally elements of their near environment. This can include a vast knowledge of plants and animal life in the area. Understand of the spiritual influences present at the time in question. And on in-depth knowledge of the magical qualities of all the elements rock, mineral, plant, etc in their environment.

Shamans are well renowned for their vision quests. These are methods of allowing the physical person to enter into states of altered reality, that allows one to see beyond this realm. Methods the shaman will use to enter these states are; fasting, singing, dancing, (elements of Pentecostal Christianity also utilize these elements for their own mystic experiences and altered states of reality), sweat lodges, drumming, and vision quests. In some instances shamans will utilize natural psychedelics to encourage altered states of reality such as; tobacco, psychedelic mushrooms, and peyote. I do not encourage the use of such materials, nor do I discourage a person to responsibly make choices that are pertinent to their own well-being.

There seems to be a lot concern with the element of new age shamanism. While indigenous shamans from outlying pockets of society fear that their methods, understanding, and abilities will be drowned out by the new wave of people calling themselves shamans, it may be noteworthy to mention that earth is calling people back to their roots of communion with the Great Mother. People are trying to re-establish connection with that which was lost or violently eradicated by ignorant and unwholesome belief systems. If you decide to follow the path of the shaman, so be it, just do not take the path lightly, or make absurd claims beyond your true abilities in some sordid cry for attention. DO NOT take the path of the shaman lightly, as with many studies of the paths of the mystical, ceremonial magick, witchcraft, druidism, etc, it is one that takes lifetimes to master, not days.

What Shamanism? The Mystical Path of Ages.