Hex Sign and Hex Symbol of the Pentacle for Protection Round Oak Altar with removable legs - Solid Oak - Real Oak Butcher Block Crafted
This Round Hex Sign and Hex Symbol of the Pentacle for Protection Round Oak Altar is the perfect travel altar, and stores easily with detachable legs.
 Round Pentacle and Leaf Protection Altar Hand Crafted!
Round Oak Altars with your choice of design

Beautiful handmade round Pentacle and Leaf Protection altar that embraces the symbolism of Paganism.

Round Pentacle and Leaf Protection Altar that measure 14" by 14" by 13" tall (to altar surface).

Free Standing yet simple in design
Flat storage with removable legs can be stored with all your other pagan supplies and ritual tools.

Pentacle and Leaf Protection on this Altar is wood burned for long lasting beauty.
This Solid Oak Round Pentacle and Leaf Protection altar table is completely hand crafted by DragonOak, "one who walks the pagan path". DragonOak has studied methods of divination for over 20 years and now brings forward hand crafted items in the old traditions.
Beautiful hand made altar table that embraces the symbolism of the Pagan faith.
Solid metal mounts for legs to screw in this altar table.